The Lone Star Elvis Festival

The Lone Star Elvis Festival
Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 11:30am
Palace Arts Center
300 South Main Street


11:30 am - 12:30 pm - Pure Gospel
Elvis loved gospel music and that love never faded throughout his career Elvis’ moving connection to spiritual songs was so real and compelling there’s something unique to it  Elvis called the music pure and Al Joslin from Houston understands why, he feels it too Al also sounds so much like Elvis you will be amazed as he takes us to church through song at The Palace

2:30 pm - 4 pm - Stop, Look and Listen!
What does Pigeon Forge, Las Vegas & Japan have in common?  Top entertainers live there and all 3 will be performing their own style of Elvis tribute This show will definitely get your attention as Michael Chambliss, Chase Brown and Toki Toyokazu take their turn on stage! They are huge Elvis fans that due to cultural, environmental or situational influences have perfected their own unique way of paying tribute to the King of Rock and Roll

4:15 pm - 5:15 pm - Remember
A special remembrance concert by internationally known Kraig Parker Kraig is loved world-wide and is also one of the DFW Metroplex’s most popular tribute artist The closing of the festival will be this Memorial Day show with songs honoring those who died serving in the US Military It will be done in Elvis style as Elvis loved America and he also served in the Army Elvis sang many songs that will have you stopping to reflect on those who died defending our nation and our values It will be an emotionally charged show as we honor those from the past and look forward to the future with Memorial Day also kicking off the summer season

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