Six Flags Fright Fest

Six Flags Fright Fest
Thursday, Oct 26, 2023 from 6:00pm to 11:00pm
Six Flags Over Texas
2201 Road to Six Flags

Haunted Houses

Requires a Haunted Attraction Pass, or grab a bundled ticket that includes both admission and haunted house access.

Wrong Turn on Canal Street NEW!
Take one wrong turn and get transported back in tme to 1800s New Orleans, where the underbelly of the city is teeming with the undead and those trying to summon and control them. Look out for pirates, voodoo queens, vampires human hybrids, and more.

Piggy's Blood Shed
Along the backwoods of Route 666 in the heart of Texas, you'll find a roadside restaurant and hog farm, famous for its bacon and BBQ. Papa Piggy and the gang are dead-set on adding some new menu items for the blue-plate special. Stop by for horror gone hog-wild!

Curse of Ra
From ancient Egyptian ruins, we've constructed a portal to transport ill-fated explorers to the Valley of the Kings, where Pharaoh Ra's tomb is buried. Anyone who enters will be damned with eternal pain and torture at the hands of the undead.

Art of Torture
Don't miss the labyrinthine warehouse, where art and science combine to create living masterpieces that only exist in your mind...or do they?

Alien Specimens have escaped and are lurking in the halls and dark corners of this mysterious bio-engineering government lab, seeking revenge on workers, rescuers, and anyone who dares to enter.

Arania's Murder Mansion
The Black Widow Bride's new home is ready to welcome her family of arachnids and dearly departed husbands. Stop by to visit and like flies caught in a web, you'll never want to leave.

Reject Row
Someone has discovered the hidden abandoned theatre lair of the down-trodden and down-on-their-luck and is turning them into crazed performance artists, murdering at will. Let them entertain you!

Scare Zones

Scream of the Crop! NEW!
A nostalgic walk thru a cornfield turns terrifying when harvest characters are vying to become Scream of the crop!

Lago de Miedo NEW!
The Lake of Fear is said to be home of the infamous weeping woman of Mexican folklore, La Llorona.

Ghost Town NEW!
A good old-fashioned ghost town in the middle of Texas.

NEW: Coven Cove
A new scare zone in Boomtown.

NEW: Toys of Terror
Not every toy is destined to become a childhood favorite. These rejected toys are ready to get the playtime they desperately deserve.

Black Widow Walkway
Careful as the walkway crosses paths with Arania's minions, who will guide you to her afterlife party-- if they can resist the temptation of a meal - that is!

Zone 6
Enter the aftermath of a military zone derailed by a zombie attack.

Rides in the Dark

When the sun goes down, the scare factor turns up. Experience chilling rides and coaster in darkness.

Click Here For Ticket Information

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